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Eagles Wings to the Higher Places 

by Hannah Hurnard


Eagles Wings to the Higher Places is a continuation of the story begun in Hind's Feet On High Places. It tells the story of Grace-and Glory's daughter, Aletheia (Lover of Truth). It is intended to be a higher (deeper?) exploration of faith — or maybe, more accurately, a description of a higher, richer level of faith.

Perhaps it is because I am not sufficiently deep, or have not yet reached the heights explored in the novel, but somehow this book "misses" with me in a serious way. I never quite connected with it as I did with both Hind's Feet and Mountains of Spices, the two books that came before it in this series. I do, however, have it on my list of books that I'd like to revisit and see if it doesn't speak to me more the next time around. (And if it does, I'll try to remember to come back and modify this review.)

This novel is shorter than the other two, and somehow seems sketchier in its telling than they are. I guess that, for me, this is counter-intuitive. I would've expected a book supposed to be about the highest places of all to take its time, slow down, and really explore those heights. But instead, this one seems to rather flit about, not really settling in to have a look at the high places we've reached.

At any rate, the two earlier books in the series are quite good and worth reading. I hope that a revisit of this book at a later date will change my opinion of it, but until then, it isn't one I recommend, unless you are the sort (like me) who would like to read it just for interest's sake, to see what Hurnard did as she continued to unfold her tale.


Reviewed by Shelly Bryant Â©2010


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