The Chair
by James L. Rubart
At first glance, The Chair appears to be about miracles, religious artifacts, and mysticism. The reader will ultimately discover that it is about forgiveness and healing realtionships. The story is fast paced and intriguing, the characters are appealing, and the plot is intricate enough to hold a reader's rapt attention. This is no "happily-ever-after" fairytale. Character flaws are apparent and sin is not covered up.
Power, pride, fear and anger are cruel task masters, and drive us to unspeakable acts. At times, we think that it would take a miracle to bring us back to where we need to be. But the True Change Maker might just use a sweet little old lady and an ancient chair to accomplish His purpose and direction in our lives.
This was an easy and enjoyable read. Pick it up for an entertaining afternoon.
Reviewed by Chris @ 2014