Heaven's Wager
by Ted Dekker
Heaven's Wager is a book that is both powerful and engaging. With many intriguing twists and turns, the story of Kent Anthony's descent into crime sucks the reader in as the book moves along. While it is a little slow going in the beginning, it picks up the pace as it moves along, finally becoming impossible to put down.
The story does not happen exactly as expected – an important ingredient in the making of a good thriller. As Kent's life falls apart around him through one tragedy after another, he eventually adds to the problem with a series of unwise choices that result in a criminal scheme that sucks him in deeper than he would have ever imagined possible at the outset of the novel. The spiritual message of the book is sometimes overt, but never intrusive. It is a masterful telling of a story that works on both the entertainment and the spiritual levels.
– Shelly Bryant © 2013